Cooking a Flank Steak

Flank Steak

An amazing flank steak is just minutes away if you follow these simple cooking tips.

  1. As always to have the best meal you need to start with the highest quality Certified Angus Beef from Downtown Meats.
  2. While Cooking – put equal parts Italian and bbq sauce in a bowl and keep next to grill so you can lightly brush it on the flank each time after you flip!
  3. Season well with steak rub on both sides.
  4. Grill temperature should be 325
  5. 12 minutes on the side then flip
  6. 12 minutes then rotate
  7. 12 minutes then flip
  8. 12 minutes, the temp of the meat should be 135 – 140
  9. Make sure to slice it across the grain 
